Mayflower Descendant – Mabel Lora Cheney

The 400th Anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower is in 2020…and it’s true!  Mabel Lora Cheney is a direct descendant of several Mayflower passenger pilgrims!

          William Bradford

          Thomas Rogers

          William Mullins and his wife, whose name is unknown

          Priscilla Mullins

          John Alden

          (Longfellow’s poem, “The Courtship of Miles Standish,” is about Priscilla Mullins, John Alden and Miles Standish)

Mabel’s lineage is documented and proven through the Society of Mayflower Descendants.  All of Mabel’s children, as well as their direct descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.), are also direct descendants of the Mayflower passenger pilgrims named above.  If you are one of them, you are eligible for membership in the Society of Mayflower Descendants by proving your connection to Mabel (through birth certificates and other documentation).  But whether or not you care about joining a society or getting a nice certificate, you are a direct descendant of ALL the Mayflower passengers listed (as well, quite possibly, of others who have not yet been fully documented).

Here is the proven Mayflower lineage of Mabel Lora Cheney, starting with William Bradford, Mayflower passenger and Governor of Plymouth Colony.

— Governor William Bradford and his wife, Alice Carpenter Southworth, had son William Bradford (born 1624).

— William Bradford married Alice Richards, had son Samuel Bradford.

— Samuel Bradford married Hannah Rodgers (daughter of John Rodgers and Elizabeth Pabodie…both also descendants of Mayflower passengers), and had daughter Wealthea Bradford.

— Wealthea Bradford married Peter Lane, and had daughter Sybil Lane.

— Sybil Lane married John Holbrook and had daughter Wealthea Holbrook.

— Wealthea Holbrook married Daniel Cheney and had son Luke Cheney

— Luke Cheney married Mary Polly Beardsley and had son Albert Cheney

— Albert Cheney married Eva Lucretia Hunt and had daughter Mabel Lora Cheney

— Mabel Lora Cheney married William Harvey Inlow and had five children:  Willa Maude, Geneva (who died as a child), William Harvey, Mabel Claire, and Hartford.

                       Pinterest Board – Mabel Cheney

In addition, Mabel’s husband, William Harvey Inlow, is a proven and documented descendant of Revolutionary War soldier, James Scott of Virginia.  Both Mabel and W.H. have multiple other Revolutionary War ancestors.  More about that another time.

If you are interested in knowing more feel free to contact me.


Governor William Bradford is the 8th great-grandfather of Hartford Inlow

* indicates direct line ancestors


* Governor William Bradford


* Alice Carpenter Southworth



* William Bradford

(1624-Between 1703/1704)

married Alice Richards



* Samuel Bradford


married Hannah Rogers



Peter Lane married


* Welthea Bradford



John M Holbrook married


* Sybil Lane



Daniel Cheney married


* Wealthea Holbrook

(Abt 1774-1817)


* Luke Cheney


married Mary Polly Beardsley



* Albert Cheney


married Eva Lucretia Hunt



William Harvey Inlow married


* Mabel Lora Cheney



* Rev. Hartford Cheney Inlow I


married Esther Louise Harp



* Hartford Inlow

(1948-          )

married Lynn Page Menzel

(1948-          )



Certificate - Mayflower Descendants - Hart
This documents direct relationship between Governor William Bradford, Mayflower passenger, and Hartford Inlow, Mabel Cheney’s grandson. Because of the marriages among Mayflower passengers (i.e. John Alden to Priscilla Mullins) and later marriages among the children of other Mayflower passengers, descendants of this line from William Bradford to the Cheney family are also proven descendants of several other Mayflower passengers.

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